Wimbledon Clinic's Sports Massage
Are you active?
Do you enjoy playing sports?
Want to reduce the likelihood of injury
& naturally restore mobility while improving performance?
Your first hour-long Sports Massage - Check Out Offers On FACEBOOK
To book sports massage either call us on 020 8543 5477 or email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More About Sports Massage
Our Sports Massage is not only highly effective for sportspeople or those with a sporting related injury, but it is also beneficial for general aches and pains, muscle stiffness and overall body alignment.

If any of these images look familiar to you, try our sports massage today and book in a session by clicking on the link above.
Our qualified sports massage therapists (NVQ Level Trained & DBS Vetted) all use a form of deep tissue massage, incorporating different techniques to offer excellent preventative, remedial and relaxation benefits.
What makes our Sports Massage so useful to you?
Well, It helps:
Reduce muscle tension (soreness, aches, and pains)
Increase flexibility (suppleness, and range of movement)
Improve postural alignment (free digital postural scan included for all clients)
boost circulation and aid stress resistance
Breakdown and remove toxins in the body
Develop muscle condition and breakdown of scar tissue
Lower the effects of stress and anxiety
Increase energy and reduce fatigue
Promote relaxation and good sleep patterns
Prevent injury occurring
Promote faster recovery after injury
Improve performance and extend your active life

Sports ' Deep Tissue' Massage - 35min
(£40 - 1st Session)
A deeper, more intense massage that is ideal for muscle recovery. The first session time may be longer to allow for a quick chat with the practitioner and go over some medical history (see confirmation email). Please allow an extra 10 -15 mins to accommodate this.

Sports ' Deep Tissue' Massage - 50min
(£60 - 1st Session)
A deeper, more intense massage that is ideal for muscle recovery. The first session time may be longer to allow for a quick chat with the practitioner and go over some medical history (see confirmation email). Please allow an extra 10 -15 mins to accommodate this.

Sports ' Deep Tissue' Massage - 90min
(£90 - 1st Session)
A deeper, more intense massage that is ideal for muscle recovery. The first session time may be longer to allow for a quick chat with the practitioner and go over some medical history (see confirmation email). Please allow an extra 10 -15 mins to accommodate this.