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Massage Therapist Job - Wimbledon

NEW 2024

Role Self-Employed | Role 2-day Week - with at least two years of experience may apply, NVQ levels trained.

- We provide you with clients and a retainer while you build up a client base

- shifts are ideal for 4-5 hrs - Examples may be 9-3 pm or 4-7 pm.

- Approximate hourly rates will typically run from £14 - £28

- Training is provided on systems and techniques, rebooking clients, calling clients and marketing activities are also part of the role

- Expert training is provided for development.


New Massage Jobs Wimbledon London SW19

Job Enquiry - Massage

Ask A Question - Associates Positions Info - Request a Zoom call - Submit a CV

We are continually adding to our fantastic team. Tell us a bit about yourself, choose the department to which you think you could add value, and submit a CV. (PDF is best)

Request A Zoom/ Google Meet Video Call, Ask about Shifts Potential, Renumeration, Salary Set Ups.
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